Telephone Services

Biosciences Area Office - Telephone Coordinators

Michael Lubenow/

Adam Bradford /

Jim Cassell (Building 86, 977)/

Garret Bohlar /

Ordering Phone Service

(Building 2, 30, 33, 46, 47, 58, 59, 71, 71A, 71B, 76, 76K, 76L and 78 users please click here.)

Obtaining Services from the Telephone Service Center

Requests for service must be submitted by a designated Telephone Coordinator. Division level written approval is required to be added to the list of Telephone Coordinators. For further information, please call the Telephone Service Center at x7997 or send email to

1. The following services may be obtained by sending e-mail to the Telephone Service Center.

For any of the above services, send email to the Telephone Service Center at and be sure to include your service charge Project-Activity ID with your request.